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Browse titles from our bilingual Digital Zine Library,'s in-house publications created by our staff artists and designers. Download digital files here and find us at a tabling event to pick up physical copies of your favorite zines. También contamos con títulos en español.

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harm reduction

Harm reduction refers to public health policies designed to lessen the negative effects associated with substance use and sex, such as overdose and sexually transmitted infections.

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fat liberation

The Fat Liberation Movement has roots that go back to 1960s and 70s. Learn about the history and philosophy of Fat Liberation in this zine.

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cultivating positive mental health

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Despite early traumas faced by many LGBTQ+ people, we have the ability to develop positive coping skills to heal and thrive in adulthood.


This zine includes discussions of trauma response, coping skills, suicide prevention, community care, and resources.


cultivando la buena salud mental

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gender, sex, & sexuality

género, sexo y sexualidad

Considering the lack of comprehensive sexual wellness education that is inclusive of queer & trans youth, this workbook is designed to describe concepts relate to sex, sexuality, and gender to all young people, heterosexual and queer alike.

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undocumented healthcare

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This zine serves a guide in navigating the healthcare system for queer and trans undocumented people, although the information is beneficial to anyone looking to understand healthcare in California.

salud sin documentos

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PreP, PEP, & Prevention

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disponible en español

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PreP, PEP y prevención

A guide to understanding Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, Post-exposure Prophylaxis, and prevention methods for stopping the spread of HIV.


party safety

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Partying is a normal and fun part of most people’s adult lives. In this zine, we cover all you need to know about having a fun night out, while also making sure we keep ourselves and others safe from danger.

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supporting queer & trans youth


This zine presents an overview of concepts around gender identity, pronouns, and gender-affirming healthcare designed for adults and allies who want to support the queer and trans youth in their lives

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This Queer Carries Narcan


Overdoses are medical emergencies, they occur commonly during recreational drug use, and can be fatal. Luckily, there are ways to reverse an overdose.

This zine serves to archive the history of each LGBTQ+ flag to the best of our ability!

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Everything you should know about Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance


Learn about Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance's history, mission, and programs for LGBTQ+ young people in this zine!

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The Wnnnho's, What's, & Why's of Drag (Presentation).png
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This zine serves to archive the history of each LGBTQ+ flag to the best of our ability!

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