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sexual wellness resources

Sex is a normal part of most people's adult lives, serving as a key element in establishing and maintaining human connections.


By practicing care, consideration, and consent, we foster respectful, fulfilling, and joyful norms within our community.

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"All that we can surmise of humankind’s genetic history argues for a more liberal sexual morality, in which sexual practices are to be regarded first as bonding devices and only second as means for procreation."

Edward O. Wilson
On Human Nature (1973)

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get tested!

To ensure our own health and that of our community, sexually active people should get tested at least every three months.

PrEP, PEP, & Prevention

No matter if a person is living with HIV or not, all sexually active people can take preventative measures to stop the spread of HIV, such as using condoms, taking PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis), PEP (Post-exposure Prophylaxis), and getting regular testing.


Together, we can work together to end the HIV epidemic once and for all.

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Doxy PEP

Sometimes called the "morning after pill for STIs," Doxy PEP refers to the use of antibiotics to prevent the contraction of bacterial infections such as gonorrhea and syphilis.

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